How to Define Your Game’s Target Audience with User Personas ?

You’ve probably heard this before: “Build your player base before you launch your game!” Easier said than done, right? Where should you even begin, and how do you make this happen? Crafting your user personas is the key to this problem. With over 3.26 billion gamers expected by the end of 2024, knowing your audience is more important than ever.

However, not all of those gamers have the same taste, therefore your game will not appeal to everyone. You need to focus on gamers who are genuinely excited about your game. Today, we’ll look at how to define your target audience and design user personas that resonate with your game and are more likely to become dedicated players.

Define Your Game Before Defining Your Audience

Before building user personas, you must have a thorough understanding of your game. This is the first phase in the positioning process, laying the groundwork for determining who will be interested in your game.
When defining your game, look for the following info:

  • Consider the genre and specificities of your game: What are your game’s genre and mechanics? Is it designed for PC or mobile? Understanding your game’s particularities is key to targeting the right audience.
  • Learn from your competition: Research your competitors—both direct (games similar to yours) and indirect (games with related elements and genres, but big differences in either gameplay or specific mechanics). Research what your game has in common with them and define their players’ profiles to get a grasp of your own.
  • Identify your game’s strengths: Step into your players’ shoes and think about what will captivate and engage them. Is it the gameplay, the characters, the art style?

The more thoroughly you understand your game’s market, competition, and unique qualities, the easier it will be to define your target audience and connect with the right players.

At GameRebellion, our Game Market Analysis service helps you define your genre, analyze your competition, and identify your game’s unique strengths to ensure you’re targeting the right audience.

Pinpoint the type of players you need

For example, if your game is similar to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023), your target audience will likely be older, competitive players. These are fans of mature, online multiplayer first-person shooters (FPS) who enjoy intense, fast-paced gameplay.

User Personas Call of Duty
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare lll (2023) – Rated M for mature | Catered towards mature, online multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) genre fans.

On the other hand, if your game is more like Banjo-Kazooie (1998), your audience will be broader. This includes younger players and families who enjoy whimsical, story-driven experiences in the action-adventure genre.

User Personas Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Kazooie (1998) – Rated E for everyone | Catered towards families and single-player fans of the action-adventure genre.

By defining these key aspects, you can accurately identify the players drawn to your game. This ensures your marketing efforts resonate with the right audience.

Analyze your target demographics

Analyzing your target demographics is essential to successfully marketing your game and reaching the right players. Start by using tools like review websites, social media analytics, and platforms like Statista to gather demographic information relevant to your game.

These resources provide insights into the typical characteristics of your potential players, helping you understand who they are and what they want.

Infographic used in user persona analysis
RPG gaming app audiences in select countries 2019, by gender – Published by J.Clement on April 30, 2021.

For example, see this graph on mobile RPG gaming audiences. We can see that in the United Kingdom, 63 percent of mobile RPG gamers were men. In contrast, South Korea had the highest share of female players, with 41 percent of the gaming audience being women.

This allows us to extrapolate that the market for RPG gaming apps is primarily male-dominated, with regional variations that could influence marketing strategies. with that knowledge, we will be able to target the correct market and players!

To further your research, you can look into forums and social media communities to get additional insights. By engaging with these groups, you can directly observe what players are excited about, what they desire in a game, and the challenges they face. And best of all, most of this information is free.

Participating in these discussions not only sharpens your understanding of your audience but also helps you start building relationships with future players.

Segmenting Your Audience

You likely have a rough idea of who your audience might be. At this stage, you’re making educated guesses about their needs and preferences. At Game Rebellion, we begin by segmenting target audiences into Primary and Secondary groups before diving into more detailed segmentation. This approach helps us create a clear, focused strategy right from the start.

The primary audience includes your core players—those most engaged with your game and likely to become loyal fans. This group should be the main focus of your marketing efforts, as they are crucial for building a dedicated community.

The secondary audience consists of those with a more casual interest or who are on the periphery of your core demographic. While they may not be as immediately engaged, they offer significant growth potential. By tailoring your messaging and engagement strategies to these distinct groups, you can better meet their needs and maximize your game’s reach and impact.

Challenge your assumptions about your players

Now, it’s time to challenge those assumptions. You might be convinced that your primary audience is teens, but your research could reveal something quite different.

Image from

Take Pokémon, for example. You might assume its primary audience is children and teenagers, given its colourful graphics and accessible gameplay.

However, research shows that most Pokémon players are in their twenties or thirties. These are fans who grew up with the franchise and are drawn to its strategic depth, such as competitive battling and global tournaments. If you only targeted teens, you’d miss the opportunity to connect with this loyal, older audience.

Structure Your Game’s User Personas

You know your game, you know your market, and your audience, now it’s time to organize your players’ types into clear and concise user personas.

A user persona is a simple visual tool which is a fictional representation of your target players —no need for long descriptions or complex character sheets.

User persona profile visual tool
User Persona Profile visual – Source: GameRebellion Game Market Analysis

A user persona is a snapshot of your ideal player. It captures details like age, gender, gaming preferences, motivations, challenges, and content habits. By understanding who your players are and what they seek, you can fine-tune your game. This makes it more engaging and irresistible to them.

For an accurate user persona, you need to define the following elements:

  • Age: Take key ages based on your research
  • Gender: Based on the gender distribution of your audience.
  • Location: Geographical regions (e.g., North America, Europe, Asia).
  • Gaming Habits and Preferences: Assess the frequency of play, preferred game genres, typical playtime, and gamer type (e.g., hardcore, casual).
  • Goals: Understand what drives your players—whether it’s completionism, narrative immersion, or other motivations.
  • Interests: Explore your players’ gaming-related interests (e.g., social play, farming, competitive gaming) to better cater to their preferences.
  • Online Engagement: Analyze how your players engage online—whether they are active on social media, content creators, or more passive consumers.
  • Pain Points: Identify challenges your players face (e.g., gameplay difficulty, graphics, mechanics) and how they respond to these issues.

For more information on gaming habits, we have an entire blog article that covers an in-depth analysis of gamer behaviour.

Reaching your Players

We’ve only just scratched the surface of reaching your target audience. With the tools and strategies we’ve seen today, you’re well on your way to identifying your game’s ideal players.
Let’s recap:

  • Understand Your Game: Define your game’s genre, mechanics, and unique strengths to set the foundation for identifying your audience.
  • Analyze Demographics: Use tools and research to gather demographic data that aligns with your game’s characteristics, helping you pinpoint your ideal players.
  • Create and Refine User Personas: Develop detailed user personas to clearly understand your players’ behaviours, motivations, and preferences, guiding your marketing strategy.

By defining your target audience and crafting detailed user personas, you’ll create the first steps of a focused marketing strategy and ensure your game gets the recognition it deserves!

So, what’s next? From identifying your market to analyzing your target audience, we’ve got you covered! You’ve had a sneak peek at what our Game Market Analysis offers with our personalized user-personas profiles, and GameRebellion is here to provide everything you need to craft the most effective game marketing strategy.

Gamer Insights: Driving User Acquisition in 2024

Like in many other industries, staying ahead of the competition and mastering user acquisition is crucial for game studios. The gaming sector faced numerous challenges in 2023. Whether you’re part of a game studio or a player in the industry, you’ve likely pondered how to connect with your target audience.

This article explores key trends for 2024 and notable shifts in gamer behavior. These insights will empower you to craft effective marketing strategies for your games.

Learn how to improve your user acquisition strategies for this year, even on a shoestring budget

5 Key Gaming Trends That Influenced Player Habits and Preferences in 2023

  • Audience shifts: Last year, we noticed the expanding diversity of game audiences because it encompassed even more older generations. Surprisingly, over 40% of Baby Boomers were actively engaged with games, highlighting this demographic’s enduring and untapped potential.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Platform optimization was also essential. Younger generations predominantly gravitated towards PC and console gaming, which helped studios develop content catering to these platforms. 2023 marked a growing trend of multi-platform gaming, underscoring the importance of having cross-platform play as an option to broaden the potential of the game’s reach to different audiences.
  • Player Engagement: Younger generations were primarily motivated by social interaction, immersion, and achievement, while older generations favoured more casual gaming for leisure. This insight enabled studios to craft games that resonated with specific age groups, which enhanced player engagement.
  • Monetization Strategies: Gen Z and Millennials were more inclined to be big spenders in gaming, giving studios an advantage in implementing in-game monetization approaches. By understanding the factors that motivated spending, such as in-game currencies and exclusive content, studios could maximize their revenue potential.
  • Content Preferences: Lastly, the rising popularity of gaming video content, especially among younger audiences, presented a valuable opportunity for studios to connect with their players. By creating and promoting gaming-related videos, reviews, and collaborations with influencers, studios effectively engaged with their audience outside the game, generating excitement and building a dedicated fanbase.

The Key to Effective Game Marketing in 2024

Based on market analysis, 2024 expects consumers to engage with video games beyond mere gameplay. The graphic below shows an expected increase in development in mobile games, in-game advertising and cloud gaming. Games that follow gamer behaviour trends tend to have successful user acquisition strategies.

User acquisition - graph on current video game market shares for 2024

Current Video Game Market Share as of 2024 – Statista

Embracing Simplicity and Strategy in Digital Board Games’ Rise

In 2023 alone, there has been a significant spike in gamers’ interest in classic board games that have been ported to gaming platforms.

13% of released titles in 2023 were board games that sold millions of copies. Microtransactions and level rewards implemented in the games give gamers a sense of urgency to keep returning to the leisure genre.

User acquisition - example of

Chess Online is available on multiple platforms, with over 300,000 active users daily as of January 2024.

Need for Online Multiplayer Games

Based on engagement through different platforms such as PC and Xbox, core active gamers between ages 12 and 21 spend 52% of their time on games online versus battles.

What brings gamers back is the valuable content that can be unlocked through playtime and achievement unlocking. Gamers feel rewarded for the time spent on the game by unlocking special outfits, in-game currency and new maps and modes.

User acquisition - example by Fortnite

Fortnite by Epic Games is the perfect example of a 7-year-old game still among the most active, with 500 million active users as of January 2024. Epic Games releases daily content and new features and modes every season, presenting gamers with rich and new experiences.

Harnessing Nostalgia as an Effective Marketing Strategy 

Games that have been locked in a gamer’s heart while they relate to a particular time they had when playing it make nostalgia.

Many games from the 1980s and 90s are becoming harder to find as old cartridges wear down. Studios like Nintendo use their recognizable franchises and re-release classic titles in new presentation experiences.

User acquisition - example from Super Mario RPG

The Shift from Physical Game Purchases to Platform Subscription Services

Financial instability makes gamers join online subscription services. Like Netflix, platforms like Xbox offer monthly or annual subscription paid services. The monthly subscription base fee allows gamers to play hundreds of games in one place.

Xbox’s GamePass has surpassed 25 million active subscribers as of October 2023.

Make Your Audience Integral to a Game’s Success

Social media is a powerful tool for driving user acquisition. With an active social media presence, studios can connect with their players on a personal level, fostering a sense of community and engagement. When players feel more connected to the development process, they are more likely to support and promote the game.

Engaging with gamers on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord allows studios to gather valuable feedback and insights. Players appreciate when their voices are heard and their opinions are valued. This interaction not only helps studios improve their creations based on player preferences but also builds loyalty and excitement among the audience.

By involving gamers in the development process, studios can create a buzz around their game. Regular updates, behind-the-scenes content, and interactive posts keep the community engaged and eager for the next development. This organic growth of interest and support can significantly enhance user acquisition and retention.

Connecting With Your Audience

Creating polls, asking for feedback, and hosting live Q&A sessions are excellent ways to involve your audience. These activities make players feel like they are part of the team and contribute directly to the game’s success. When players see their suggestions implemented, they become more invested in the game and are likely to spread the word to their network.

Building a Community

An engaged community can be your game’s biggest asset. Encourage players to share their experiences, create content, and participate in discussions. User-generated content and word-of-mouth marketing are invaluable for user acquisition. A thriving community attracts new players and keeps existing ones coming back for more.

Single-Player Campaigns

72% of gamers prefer to enjoy a video game’s single-player campaign’s stories rather than going out to watch a movie. Gamers enjoy single-player story modes because they can control them and make decisions that will impact the ending.

A Winning Formula for Game Development Success in 2024

A successful user acquisition strategy combines deep knowledge of your player base with creative approaches. This blend can elevate your game to new heights. By embracing today’s strategies, video games can thrive, connect with diverse gamer behaviors, and create unforgettable experiences.

Now that you have insights into gamer behavior, it’s time to launch a successful video game. We look forward to playing it!